Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Single Girls Gist 7:

The best Valentine's day Recipe: Reduce the pressure on the brother

The Best Valentine’s Day Recipe (2):

                                           Reduce the pressure on the brothers!

 Hi dear, so yet another Valentine’s day is upon us, actually, it is tomorrow; Oh gosh, that’s too close!

Let me start by saying that this is not one of those posts where I preach to you on how Valentine’s day is more about giving to the poor and less privileged. Nah! I have lived long enough on earth to know that Saint Valentine did a honorable job with giving to and caring for the poor and we sincerely appreciate him for that. In our century, however, we have long realized that we have the remaining 353 days to give to the poor and make them feel special; so how about we take out just one day, Valentine’s day, to show the ‘special someone’ in our lives just how special they are to us. Ladies, if you feel me, hit the subscribe button, so we can rub minds more often!

Friday, 9 February 2018

Movie Review

June The movie review


June is a romantic comedy, mediocrely directed and produced by Desmond Elliot and Chinney Love respectively. They presented the very familiar tale of a dissatisfied rich kid who is not afraid to give up his inheritance for genuine happiness, in a not so impressing way.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


The Ride, Episode 11

Episode 11

“Ma, I don’t know what else to do, I have tried talking to her but she would not listen to me, so I decided to tell you.” – Yes, I resorted to reporting Ada to her mum. If she wasn’t going to listen to me, she will definitely listen to her mum –.